An upcoming film, ‘Deep Water,’ centers around a plane that crashes on its way to China and the people on the plane must fight for their lives.
This film probably would have gone relatively unnoticed if it weren’t for the tragedy that was bestowed upon Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 which has been missing since March 8.
The director, Alister Grierson, insists the movie will move ahead on schedule despite the real-life plane crash less than a month ago.
“The similarities and timing is interesting and I can see why anecdotally the two things link up. It’s a tricky thing,” he told Mail Online. “But in simple terms, Deep Water is about an accident that happens on an airplane which goes down in the ocean, and the survivors trying to stay alive afterwards. It’s more complicated than that as there’s villains and sharks, but it’s a fun action/adventure with thrills and spills and scares.”
To read more about the film, click here.