The Daily Show with…John Oliver?

John-OliverComedy Central’s “fake news” program The Daily Show with John Stewart is getting a new host, for the summer at least.


The Daily Show’s regular host, John Stewart, is taking a hiatus this summer to try his hand at film directing. Instead of putting the show on a 12 week hiatus, Daily Show “correspondent” John Oliver will be filling in as the show’s main host.


Stewart will be taking a 12 week hiatus from the show, and John Oliver will be “guest hosting” for eight of those. It will be interesting to see how Oliver takes over the show; probably filled with antics and “take over” bits. It will be exciting to see how Oliver deals with moving from “correspondent” to host.


Stewart will be direction a film called Rosewater. The film is an adaptation of BBC journalist Maziar Behari’s book “Then They Came For Me: A Family’s Story of Love, Captivity, and Survival.” The story of Behari’s captivity in Iran in 2009 during which he was tortured by a man who smelled of rosewater. Stewart wrote the script and will direct the film.


How do you think John Oliver will do as Guest host of the Daily Show?



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