How to Win an Oscar in 5 Easy Steps

Follow these easy steps and that Best Actor/Actress Oscar will be yours in no time!

STEP 1: Wear that make-up like a second skin.

charlize-monster heath-darkknight marion-edith

STEP 2: Lose as much weight as possible. Hollywood loves that. It’s all for the role, you’ll eat after award season.

hathaway-fantine leto-rayon natalie-blackswan

STEP 3: Grow some spectacular facial hair, preferably a well-oiled mustache.

clooney-syriana mcconough-dallas waltz-django

STEP 4: Make sure your character is based on a real person.

bale-fighter helen-queen meryl-iron

STEP 5: Work with Marty Scorsese.

cate-aviator deniro-raging pesci-goodfellas

CONGRATULATIONS! You are Daniel Day-Lewis!

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