#Wristify [TECH]

Some nerds at MIT have put together a pretty sweet new concept. Sure, it is probably better than my prototype for a tankless, suitless S.C.U.B.A. that utilized electrolysis to instantly create oxygen from the water molecules….still have to figure out how to separate the nitrogen and the occasional sodium and chlorine floating around… but I digress. These guys developed a wearable tech (not sure about how fashion-forward it is, but I’m sure Apple, Microsoft or Sony could probably make it cool) that reduces the temperature of the skin at the wrist at a super slow rate. Thus, the body feels more comfortable in extreme temperatures.

I like this for a couple of reasons. It is a tech advance that seems to have humans in mind, and is an eventuality for when we have to walk around in body suits. They will make the chips smaller and probably end up having an option for a subdermal implant. Let’s hope it happens sooner rather than later, I would love to have this at night to regulate my body temp in bed, I toss and turn! Click the pic below for more info.

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