I am a defender of 3D movies, but my stance on re-releasing movies in 3D is kind of divided. But that is a topic for another day. It’s time to talk about Dinosaurs. Jurassic Park to be specific.
Last Saturday I got to see Jurassic Park in 3D. It was quite the experience. It has been a while since I’ve seen Jurassic Park (I watched the first half recently but never finished it) and to be honest I barely remembered it at all. I think most of my familiarity with the movie was from the theme park ride in Universal Studios.
The thing I like about 3D movies now-a-days is that its not that gimmicky 3D where stuff jumps off the screen and is in your face. The 3D in films now brings more depth to the film. It doesn’t look flat and really sucks you in to the world of the film. Jurassic Park was no different. When that T-Rex is chasing that Jeep, you are fearing for your life along with the characters. When that Velociraptor jumps out of the wall, you scream along with Dr. Sattler. The 3D really heightens the tension and thrills of the film.
Jurassic Park is one of those huge summer blockbuster movies. Big on the action and less on the story. The concept and message is really great; bringing dinosaurs back to life isn’t as cool as you’d think it would be. The first half of the film is fantastic with the explanation of the science and initial glimpse of the dinosaurs, but the second half deteriorates into just killings and running and screaming. The final moments of the film are very anticlimactic leaving many questions.
Despite the lack of a solid story throughout, there is something to be said about the graphics of Jurassic Park. I was initially worried that being back on the big screen and it being in 3D the Dinosaurs would look cheap and outdated. But the combination of computer graphics and animatronics have stood the test of time and still look amazing.
If you’re looking for a good time, want to be scared out of your pants, laugh at some cheesy jokes, and relish in some nostalgia then definitely catch Jurassic Park in 3D starting April 5th!