Baltimore Comic Con GUESTS



James Asmus (Quantum & Woody);

Marty Baumann (Pixar artist);

Jeremy Bastian (Cursed Pirate Girl);

Marguerite Bennett (Batgirl);

Christina Blanch (The Damnation of Charlie Wormwood);

Tom Brevoort (AXIS);

Harold Buchholz (Archie Comics);

Mark Buckingham (Fables);

Dave Bullock (Batman Black and White);

Jim Calafiore (Leaving Megalapolis);

Frank Cammuso (Otto’s Backwards Day);

Darrenn Canton (Tunnels & Trolls);

Greg Capullo (Batman);

Richard Case (Sandman);

John Cassaday (Doc Savage);

Tommy Castillo (Grimm Fairy Tales);

Bernard Chang (Green Lantern Corps);

Jo Chen (Buffy the Vampire Slayer);

Sean Chen (Amazing Spider-Man);

Cliff Chiang (Wonder Woman);

Frank Cho (X-Men: Battle of the Atom);

Amy Chu (Girls Night Out);

Richard Clark (House of Gold & Bones);

Wook-Jin Clark (Adventure Time: The Flip Side);

Steve Conley (Bloop);

Jamie Cosley (Cody the Cavalier);

Tyler Cosley (AlakaZach);

Mike Curtis (Dick Tracy);

Jeremy Dale (Skyward);

Alan Davis (Wolverine);

Todd Dezago (Tellos);

Dan Didio (Trinity of Sin: Phantom Stranger: Futures End);

Tommy Lee Edwards (Star Wars);

Garth Ennis (Preacher, The Boys);

Ray Fawkes (Constantine);

David Finch (Forever Evil);

Franco (Aw Yeah Comics!);

Jay Fosgitt (Bodie Troll);

John Gallagher (Buzzboy);

Katie Gallagher (Zoey and Ketchup):

SL Gallant (GI JOE);

Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez (All-Star Western);

Gerhard (Cerebus the Aardvark);

Chris Giarrusso (G-Man);

Dave Gibbons (Watchmen);

Bryan JL Glass (Mice Templar);

Michael Golden (The Ravagers);

Jimmy Gownley (The Dumbest Idea Ever!);

Allan Gross (Road Song);

Cully Hamner (Animal Man);

Dean Haspiel (The Fox);

Ben Hatke (Zita the Spacegirl);

Josh Hechinger (The Grave Doug Freshly);

Fred Hembeck (Garfield);

Marc Hempel (Sandman: The Kindly Ones);

Travis Hill (Adventure Time);

Andy Hirsch (Regular Show);

Joel Hodgson (MST3K); Jason Horn (Ninjasaur);

Adam Hughes (Before Watchmen: Dr. Manhattan);

Jamal Igle (Molly Danger);

Laura Innes (The Dreamer);

Justin Jordan (Luther Strode, Green Lantern: New Guardians);

Dan Jurgens (The New 52: Future’s End);

Collin Kelly (Hacktivist);

Chris Kemple (Red Vengeance);

Denis Kitchen (Al Capp: A Life to the Contrary);

Barry Kitson (Empire);

Aaron Kuder (Action Comics);

Jackson Lanzing (Hacktivist);

Norman Lee (Iron Man Special);

Paul Levitz (World’s Finest);

Kevin Maguire (Guardians of the Galaxy);

Mike Maihack (Cleopatra in Space);

Alex Maleev (Moon Knight);

Mike Manley (Judge Parker);

Mark Mariano (The Other Side of Hugless Hill);

Billy Martin (Vitriol, The Hunter);

Laura Martin (Uncanny Avengers);

Ron Marz (Witchblade);

Peter Mayhew (Star Wars’ Chewbacca);

Mark McKenna (Banana Tail);

Mike McKone (Ultimate FF);

Bob McLeod (X-Men: Gold);

Pop Mhan (All-New X-Factor);

Al Milgrom (Marvel Fanfare);

Brandon Montclare (Rocket Girl);

Tradd Moore (Deadpool Annual);

Mark Morales (New Avengers);

Michael Alan Nelson (Day Men);

Jamar Nicholas (Leon: Protector of the Playground);

Chris O>Matic (The Chris O’Matic Show!);

Denny O’Neil (Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight);

Chris Otto (A Dog’s Life);

Dan Parent (Archie, Veronica, Kevin Keller);

Missy Pena (Bee and Puppycat);

Andrew Pepoy (Life with Archie);

George Perez (George Perez’s Sirens);

David Peterson (Mouse Guard);

Khoi Pham (Mighty Avengers);

Cary Pietsch (Bravest Warriors);

Joe Prado (Justice League);

Brian Pulido (Lady Death);

Ron Randall (Trekker in Dark Horse Presents);

Tom Raney (Incredible Hulk);

Brian Reber (Unity);

Amy Reeder (Red Sonja);

Ivan Reis (Aquaman and The Others);

Budd Root (Cavewoman);

Don Rosa (Donald Duck);

Craig Rousseau (Perhapanauts);

Joe Rubinstein (The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe);

Andy Runton (Owly);

Alex Saviuk (Web of Spider-Man);

Gregg Schigiel (Spongebob Squarepants Comics);

Jeff Schultz (Archie Comics);

Louise Simonson (Power Pack);

Walter Simonson (Thor);

Andy Smith (Superman #23.1: Bizarro);

Allison Sohn (sketch card artist);

Charles Soule (Thunderbolts);

Mark Sparacio (Omega Paradox);

Jim Starlin (Thanos: The Infinity Revelation);

Joe Staton (Dick Tracy);

Brian Stelfreeze (Day Men);

Jeff Stokely (Six-Gun Gorilla);

Paul D. Storrie (Sheena, Queen of the Jungle);

Karl Story (Serenity: Leaves of the Wind);

Vivek J. Tiwary (The Fifth Beatle: The Brian Epstein Story);

Ben Taylor (A Dog’s Life);

Robert Tinnell (The Wicked West);

Peter Tomasi (Batman and Two-Face);

John Totleben (Swamp Thing);

Herb Trimpe (GI Joe: A Real American Hero);

Billy Tucci (Shi);

Rick Veitch (Saga of the Swamp Thing);

James Tynion IV (The Woods);

Mike Vosburg (Lori Lovecraft);

Brennan Wagner (The Shadow: Year One);

Matt Wagner (Grendel); Mark Waid (Daredevil);

Lee Weeks (Daredevil);

Mark Wheatley (Frankenstein Mobster);

Bill Willingham (Fables);

Renee Witterstaetter (Joe Jusko: Maelstrom);

Mike Wolfer (Friday the 13th);

Rich Woodall (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles);

Kelly Yates (Amber Atoms);

Thom Zahler (My Little Pony);

Mike Zeck (Secret Wars).

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