STEM to STEAM. Its happening.

During today’s meeting of the conference committee to write new K-12 education policies, Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR) introduced an amendment that calls for integrating the arts into science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programs. Rep. Bonamici’s amendment to turn STEM into STEAM was unanimously approved.   The legislation is now expected to be approved by the full House of Representatives on December 2nd or 3rd. The Senate will take up the measure after the House acts, and then send the Every Student Succeeds Act to President Obama to be signed into law.

Without art, there would be no comparing thee to a summer’s day, the virgins would never make much of time, my sad heart would still be repining regardless of whether or not behind the sun behind the clouds was still shining. Without art, I would never have found my first love of french poetry or my tawdry affairs with Kipling where I learned that words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind. Without art I would never have seen my grandmother’s face when talking about her grandparents and their art pieces that adorn the walls of famous museums. Without art I don’t create Hashtag Studios, without art I don’t start publishing, without art the world is not beautiful, because nobody would be able to describe it or make you feel one way or the other about it.

A world without art is cold, calculated, and efficient. A world without art, is Science. It’s Technology. It’s Engineering. It’s Math. Without art the world is STEM, but with it, STEAM can rise.


Please contact your Representative and Senators and tell them to support the Every Student Succeeds Act and its strong arts education policies.  CLICK HERE for your Senator’s contact information.  CLICK HERE for your Representative contact information.  Please post on social media: @hashtagstudios thanks @RepBonamici for turning STEM into STEAM to ensure that all students have access to the arts. #STEMtoSTEAM


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