Quantic Dream and Graphics


A couple of weeks ago during Sony’s reveal of the Playstation 4, Quantic Dream showed everyone how far technology has come. They revealed the possible graphics that we will see on the Playstation 4 from one of the games they will create. This freaked me out. They didn’t come out showing off some crazy, epic, battle scene. All they showed was an old man and the emotions that he was able to portray through facial expressions. This was just an example and it looked very realistic.

If these are the graphics that we will see on the PS4, imagine the possibilities on a PS5. Now I know it’s too soon to be thinking about that but we are approaching technology that is so advanced that eventually graphics from video games will look almost identical to what we see in real life.

If you are not familiar with Quantic Dream’s work, check out a game called Heavy Rain and be amazed by it’s graphics. Also be on the look out for Quantic Dream’s next game, Beyond: Two Souls.

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