Ghost of Catelyn Stark, revealed

Thanks to the internet for bringing this to my attention, and photoshop for allowing me to fan the flames of conspiracy. I read in an article today that a crazy fan thought he saw the ghost of Catelyn Stark in the scene last episode where the giant lady fights the child and Little Finger looks on creepily as I think everyone in the room wants him to die or go away.

SO, I zoomed, and searched the internet for an image of Catelyn in roughly the same gait. I found one. SO here they are, images, followed by the photoshop for illustration.

Here’s the full image snapped from The GoT episode:

In the background, as Arya is saying “You agreed to protect both my mother’s daughters,” a figure crosses the doorway. Here’s the full body image I found of Catelyn.

SO, I flipped it, darkened her body, lightened the surrounding ground to mimic the snow. This was the result. Pretty convincing I think.


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