In September 2013, Fox announced its new series “Gotham”, a fresh take on the familiar comic book city. This series will delve into the origin story of police officer James Gordon, as well as the origin stories of popular Batman villains and characters. The series bypassed the normal pilot phase and was order straight into series production.
Ben McKenzie was cast as the young James Gordon. His credits are extensive in television, ranging from “The OC” to “Southland”. Other actors recently cast include Robin Lord Taylor as the Penguin, Oswald Cobblepot. Zabryna Guevara will play Gordon’s boss Captain Essen and Erin Richards will play Gordon’s fiancee Barbara Kean. Sean Pertwee will play the trusty butler Alfred, in this iteration, “a tough-as-nails ex-marine from East London”.
No news yet on the casting of young Bruce Wayne. As stated in this brief synopsis, the series “will center on Gotham City PD rookie detective James Gordon who investigates the double murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne.” As Bruce is an integral part of this story line, this casting should be upcoming, especially with shooting supposedly set to begin in March.
“Gotham” has a tentative release date for Fall 2014.