Wheel Of Time TV Pilot – Robert Jordan

[su_youtube url=”http://youtu.be/cvNYIEN1vIg” width=”860″ height=”480″]

Wait, did that just happen? According to io9 the pilot aired because it had to, otherwise the producers would lose their option. But that’s good for all the Robert Jordan fans, because now you get a taste! This is the low-res, low-budget version produced by your friend Billy Zane, he’s a cool dude.


Airing this morning at like 3am as “paid programming” on FXX. It’s not funded, it’s waiting on a payday after building up hype. So, we’re trying to build the hype. Now someone give them money!


After a little research, there has already been a statement from Jordan’s wife, who continues his legacy at his company. It’s all over a few sites, Facebook and Google Plus pages, so…it must be true, right?

Statement from Harriet

This morning  brought startling news. A “pilot” for a Wheel of Time series, the “pilot”  being called Winter Dragon, had appeared at 1:30 in the morning, East Coast time, on Fxx TV, a channel somewhere in the 700s (founded to concentrate on comedy, according to the Washington Post).

It was made without my knowledge or cooperation. I never saw the script. No one associated with Bandersnatch Group, the successor-in-interest to James O. Rigney,  was aware of this.

Bandersnatch has an existing contract with Universal Pictures that grants television rights to them until this Wednesday, February 11 – at which point these rights revert to Bandersnatch.

I see no mention of Universal in the “pilot”. Nor, I repeat, was Bandersnatch, or Robert Jordan’s estate, informed of this in any way.

I am dumbfounded by this occurrence, and am taking steps to prevent its reoccurrence.

Harriet P McDougal
President and CEO
Bandersnatch Group, Inc.
February 9, 2015

::::::::UPDATE 2:::::::::

Here’s an explanation of what the hell is going on.

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